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QDI joins SOSSEC and NAMC Consortiums!

Quantum Dimension, Inc. has joined several Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Consortium for teaming opportunities: SOSSEC joined in September, 2017 and NAMC in October 2017.  SOSSEC or InnovationSystem of Systems Consortium involves research, development, and prototype development for DoD needs in C4ISR, Cyber, and Homeland Security. https://www.sossecconsortium.com

The National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC) provides research, development, prototyping and production for manned and unmanned autonomy-enabled military ground vehicle systems. https://www.namconsortium.org

Besides opportunities for teaming through SOSSEC and NAMC, QDI is also a member of National Armament Consortium/Defense Ordnance Technology Consortium (NAC/DOTC), National Spectrum Consortium (NSC, and Consortium for Command, Control and Communications in Cyberspace.

CEO Michael Enright elaborated on the value of these memberships, “We are excited to partner with DoD to provide innovative technology to the DoD.  OTA’s like SOSSEC and NAMC offer rapid solution development and deployment at a significant cost reduction.  This creates the perfect opportunity for Quantum Dimension to provide the warfighter with advanced technology while reducing development and integration timeframes.”

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